New generation air compressor fluid for oil injected / oil flooded screw compressors. For extremely severe working conditions (high suction temperature, high ambient temperature). Based on hydrotreated mineral oils. Excellent oxidation and thermal stability. Prevents sludge formation. Extended oil lifetime / oil-change Intervalls. Fulfills also DIN 51506 VDL requirements.
Compressed air has become a major form of energy and the reliable generation of compressed air is vital. Operators require compressors to function perfectly over and beyond entire service intervals. The increase of the air discharge temperature, the decrease of the oil volume in the system and the extension of the oil drain intervals of modern compressors led to oil related problems in the field. Leakages at the shaft sealing rings and the forming of deposits caused a lot of failures. These problems led to the development of a new screw compressor fluid based on semi synthetic base oil that withstands the higher working temperature in the screw and ensures a longer drain interval. At high compression temperatures, the oils are subjected to a strong oxidative attack that accelerates ageing. The selection of a special base oil and additive systems makes long, interruption free operation possible. To ensure optimum performance of the oil separator, good air release properties and low foaming are characteristic for the screw compressor oil. RENOLIN COOL + offers a long service life and fulfils the requirements mentioned above.